Zoombella's Butterfly Adventure


A story about Sharing
for your Baby.

Princess Zoombella loves the sunny meadow. She twirls by the bright flowers. She smiles at the shining rainbow in the sky.

Flicker Sparkleaf peeks from behind a tree. She giggles softly. She loves adventures with Princess Zoombella!

Suddenly, Princess Zoombella claps loudly. Flutter! All the butterflies fly away. "Oh no," says Princess Zoombella. "I scared them!"

Flicker Sparkleaf pats Princess Zoombella’s hand. "We can make them happy," she whispers. "Let's bake a special pie! Then we can share."

They gather berries from the meadow. Princess Zoombella hums a sharing song. "Little berries, tasty and sweet. Friends will share a happy treat!"

Flicker Sparkleaf collects water from a sparkling stream. "Sometimes sharing is hard," she says. "But we feel good when we do it."

They mix flour and berries all together. They stir and stir. "When we share," Princess Zoombella says, "we feel warm inside."

"Oh dear," says Flicker Sparkleaf. "It's too sticky!" They need one more thing. They need a pink flower to make the pie smell sweet.