Zippy Zapata's Missing Sock Mystery




Zippy Zapata's Missing Sock Mystery

A story about Morning Routine

for your Baby.

Zippy Zapata stands on his bed, smiling at the window. In the background: A glowing morning sun peeks through the window.

Zippy Zapata wakes up in his cozy bedroom. The bright sun smiles through the window. Zippy rubs his eyes. He is ready to get dressed!

A single striped sock sits on the bed without its match. In the background: A colorful toy block tower stands near the bed.

He reaches for his socks. Oh no! One sock is missing! “Where is my sock?” Zippy asks.

Zippy Zapata stands by the bed, holding one sock and scratching his head. In the background: Teddy bears line the shelf, keeping watch.

Zippy feels a little worried. But he remembers: “Stay calm and look carefully.” He takes a deep breath.

A cozy teddy bear lies next to wrinkled blankets on the floor. In the background: Soft morning light beams on the floor.

He tiptoes around the bedroom. He checks under the covers. No sock!

Zippy Zapata waves a small wand with sparkles dancing around. In the background: A rainbow rug under his feet.

Zippy picks up his magical wand. It glitters with energy. “Let’s try a little magic,” he says.

A wand with a shiny star tip glimmers in the air. In the background: Colorful toy blocks are stacked in a tall tower.

The wand twirls and glows, but the sock is still hidden. “Hmm, I need to look more,” Zippy whispers.

Zippy Zapata carefully lifts the teddy bear and peeks underneath. In the background: A bright picture of the sun hangs on the wall.

Zippy spots a clue under his teddy bear. Could the missing sock be there? He lifts the teddy bear slowly.

Zippy Zapata jumps over big, colorful blocks with a grin. In the background: The dresser is slightly open, waiting to be checked.

“Not here,” he sighs. He hops over bouncy blocks to reach the dresser. The blocks go boing, boing!

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