Zippy Zapata on the Path of Perils


A story about Fear
for your 3rd Grader.

The ancient path stretched across a vast desert, dotted with relics shimmering under the bright sun. Zippy Zapata, a curious boy wizard, gripped his new map, feeling a tingle of excitement in his fingertips.

Floating beside him, Zibloo the alien studied the sky with wide eyes. He adored everything about the stars, and he squeaked whenever a new constellation came to mind.

The entrance to the Path of Perils was guarded by a towering sculpture made of dragon bones. Its hollow sockets stared down at passing travelers, as if warning them to be careful.

Zippy Zapata felt a nervous knot in his stomach. He thought of monsters lurking around each corner, and he worried he might not be brave enough for what lay ahead.

Zibloo blinked his glowing eyes and peered at his friend. “Is something bothering you, buddy? We can figure it out together,” he said, his voice calm and caring.

A weathered tablet jutted from the sand, covered in fading runes that hinted at hidden traps. The words were half gone, so solving its riddle would take patience and a bit of daring.

Zippy Zapata quietly confessed, “I feel so small out here. I’m afraid I won’t know what to do if we get lost.” Saying it aloud made him shiver and shrink back.

Zibloo patted his friend’s shoulder with a gentle pat. “It’s okay to be scared,” he said, wiggling his antenna. “I used to be terrified of tall cliffs, and sometimes I still am. But I ask for help, which makes it less frightening.”