Zippy Zapata and the Whirling Wind


A story about What causes a hurricane?
for your Preschooler.

Zippy Zapata stands on the warm sand. He loves his magic puzzles. He smiles at the bright sun and big, puffy clouds.

A shiny seashell sits by Zippy's toes. It looks smooth and white.

Suddenly, the wind blows. Zippy Zapata holds his hat. “Oh my!” he says. The sky grows dark and the waves rise high.

Mr. Seagull flaps down. “Caw, caw! Watch out!” says Mr. Seagull. “Big spinning wind is coming!”

A smooth puzzle piece rolls across the sand. It is light blue, like the sky.

Zippy Zapata holds his puzzle pieces tight. “Why is the wind spinning?” he asks. Mr. Seagull says, “Warm air is rising, whoosh, whoosh!”

“We call this a hurricane,” says Mr. Seagull. Zippy Zapata frowns. “It is so big,” he whispers. He feels small.

Zippy Zapata tries a magic spell. He taps his puzzle pieces: tap, tap, tap. The wind roars louder. Rumble, rumble!