Zippy's Magical Bathroom Adventure


A story about Potty Training
for your Preschooler.

Zippy Zapata is in his cozy bathroom. He sees a big, sparkly potty. It glows and twinkles!

Today, Zippy wants to play wizard ball with his friend. He feels excited! He loves sports and wants to do his best.

"Let's play together," says Zippy's friend. "We can pass the ball back and forth."

They pass the ball. They cheer and clap. But suddenly, Zippy feels a funny rumble in his tummy.

Zippy stops the game. "I need the potty," he says. But he is not sure what to do. He feels a little scared.

"It is okay," says Zippy's friend. "Take your time. Everyone learns at their own pace."

Zippy peeks at the sparkling toilet. It glows like magic! But there are puzzle locks on the seat. Zippy loves puzzles, yet he still feels worried.

"I can do this," says Zippy. He wiggles each puzzle lock. They click and clack!