Zippy and the Secret of the Christmas Map


A story about Christmas
for your 1st Grader.

Zippy Zapata was a curious boy wizard. He lived in a small house with twinkling lights on every window. The air smelled sweet like pine trees and candy canes.

One frosty morning, Zippy discovered a mysterious old map on his doorstep. The map had faded letters that said, 'The Secret to Christmas.'

Zippy felt his heart jump. He whispered, “I love puzzles! This map must be a clue!” The cool wind made the bells on his door jingle.

Zippy followed the map through the village. Every house shone with bright, colorful lights. Neighbors waved and called, “Merry Christmas!” as Zippy hurried by.

At the edge of town, Zippy reached a snowy path. The map showed the first puzzle. Letters formed a note: “Find the hidden star. Look up, look around, and do not rush.”

Zippy took a deep breath and scanned the snowy trees. He saw something shining in the highest branches, twinkling like a true star.

He pointed his wand and said, “Lift!” The star floated gently into his hand. “Found it!” Zippy cheered. His cheeks felt warm, even in the cold.

Zippy followed the map to a hidden trail. A new puzzle said: “When you are stuck, remember to slow down. Kind words and a friend’s help can guide the way.”