Zigzag Zander's Puzzle Christmas


A story about Christmas
for your 2nd Grader.

Snow fell gently on Frosty Hollow, a happy little village where every house looked like a bright gingerbread home. Twinkling lights glowed from the windows, and everyone felt excited about Christmas.

Inside a warm living room, Zigzag Zander proudly showed his family the Christmas puzzles he had made. The puzzles had snowy trees, jolly snowmen, and sparkling ornaments.

When morning arrived, the puzzle box was empty! Zander gasped. He hurried to check under tables and behind chairs, but the pieces were gone.

Zigzag Zander felt a swirl of worry in his tummy. “My puzzles have disappeared!” he cried. His family patted his shoulder gently and said, “We will help you look.”

Zander put on his boots and stepped into the snowy street. He looked around and saw friendly villagers waving. “Have you seen my puzzles?” Zander asked. One villager shook her head but smiled kindly, saying, “I can help you search!”

Snow sparkled at the edge of the road, and giant candy cane poles lined the way. The sweet red-and-white stripes glimmered under the bright Christmas lights.

Zigzag Zander walked through the village, peeking behind snowbanks and under mailboxes. “I can’t find the pieces anywhere,” he said sadly. A friendly villager offered him a hot cup of cocoa. “If you ever lose something special,” she said, “take a deep breath and ask friends for help.”

He sipped the cocoa and felt braver. “Thank you,” Zander said. “I will keep looking.” With renewed hope, he trudged through the thick snowdrifts, calling out for any sign of his puzzles.