Zibloo's Christmas Surprise


A story about Christmas
for your 1st Grader.

King Doodle Bum peeked out of his shiny spaceship window. Snowy sparkles danced beyond the stars. Next to him, Zibloo sipped cocoa, both excited for Christmas.

They landed on the Snowy Star Planet. A soft breeze brushed their cheeks. Snow glistened like tiny diamonds, and bright stars twinkled above them.

King Doodle Bum and Zibloo walked forward. The snow squeaked under their boots, leaving funny footprints. Zibloo held a folded map of the sky.

'Those stars are so bright!' said Zibloo. King Doodle Bum grinned. 'Let’s find the biggest one for our Christmas feast,' he said with excitement.

They climbed a tall, icy hill that sparkled like glass. The wind whooshed by, making their capes flutter. Zibloo almost slipped, but King Doodle Bum tugged him up.

At the top, they saw the biggest star resting on a snowy peak. It glowed like a giant diamond. King Doodle Bum felt his mouth water for chocolate.

Zibloo tugged on the star, but it would not move. King Doodle Bum pulled, too, but it stayed stuck in the snow.

They felt sad. King Doodle Bum let out a sigh. Zibloo gently placed a hand on his arm, wishing they could bring this shining treasure home.