Zibloo and the Mysterious Star




Zibloo and the Mysterious Star

A story about Fear

for your Baby.

Zibloo waves hello with a big smile on his face. In the background, stars sparkle in many colors.

Zibloo lives in a bright galaxy. He loves to look at shining stars. Twinkle, twinkle, the lights glow!

Zibloo points at a small telescope perched on a rock. In the background, a gentle glow from distant suns.

Every night, Zibloo gazes at the sky. He imagines each star is a friend. Zibloo whispers, “Hello, stars!”

A giant star shape taking up most of the page. In the background, twinkling lights dance all around.

One day, Zibloo spots a new star. It is bright and big. Zibloo feels a little shaky in his tummy.

Zibloo holds out his hands, unsure what to do. In the background, swirls of purple and pink stardust.

“Why do I feel scared?” asks Zibloo. He tries to be brave. But his heart goes thump, thump.

A cozy spaceship door stands open next to Zibloo. In the background, sparkling dots of light shimmer.

Zibloo takes a small step closer. The new star flickers. Zibloo jumps back. He is still afraid.

Zibloo peeks out, speaking gently toward the star. In the background, warm yellow lights shining softly.

“Hello?” Zibloo calls. The star glows brighter. “Are you there?”

Zibloo holds his tummy, looking uncertain. In the background, wispy trails of light swirl by.

Zibloo worries about what might happen next. He feels a lump in his throat. Zibloo sighs, “I am scared.”

Close-up of Zibloo’s calm face with wide, curious eyes. In the background, gentle sparkles float softly.

Zibloo breathes in and out. He remembers it is okay to feel afraid. “Sometimes, we just need a moment,” he says.

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