Zibloo and Frostyline's Home in the Stars


A story about Divorce
for your Kindergartener.

Zibloo the alien hopped on a shiny star path, pointing to the twinkling lights in the sky. He loved exploring every dazzling corner of Constellation City.

Frostyline Fable the snowman whirled around, giggling at the dancing stars. He floated gently in the cool, moonlit breeze, admiring the bright city lights.

Together, they saw constellations shaped like a giant dragon and a laughing bear. The patterns glowed overhead, lighting the path below.

Zibloo suddenly felt a little sad. He thought about how his parents lived among different stars and worried if he could visit them both.

Frostyline gently placed a snowy hand on Zibloo’s shoulder. “It’s okay to feel worried,” he said. “We can find a way to see them both.”

“But the stars are so far apart,” Zibloo sighed. “What if I can’t spend enough time in each place?”

Frostyline shared a tip he learned: “When parents live apart, it helps to remember the fun times you have with each one. That can make your heart feel warm.”

They decided to draw a star map filled with twinkling lights. Each light showed a path from Zibloo’s mom’s star to his dad’s star.