Willow Charms and Frostyline's Big Balloon Adventure




Willow Charms and Frostyline's Big Balloon Adventure

A story about Travel

for your Preschooler.

Willow Charms - who is black - holds the balloon’s rope in her hand. In the background, colorful tulips sway.

In a tall, bright garden, Willow Charms looks at her big hot air balloon. She smiles and taps her pointy hat. “Let’s go!” she says.

Frostyline Fable excitedly touches the balloon fabric. In the background, puffy clouds float.

Frostyline Fable pats the soft balloon. He feels happy. He is ready for magic fun.

A tall, smiling tulip with bright petals sways in the breeze. In the background, big leaves whisper.

A giant tulip sings a sweet tune. It wiggles its petals with a gentle hum.

Willow Charms - who is black - leans over the balloon’s edge, waving a hand. In the background, soft clouds drift.

Willow Charms waves goodbye to the garden. Up, up, up they float. The sky feels big and blue.

Frostyline Fable with a big smile, pointing at bright trees below. In the background, the balloon floats high.

Frostyline Fable peeks over the side. He spots a land of yellow trees. He cheers, “Hello there!” He learns that kind words bring big smiles.

Willow Charms - who is black - is holding a small berry pie slice. In the background, red birds perch on branches.

Willow Charms lands in a place with red singing birds. She listens and hums along. Saying “Hello” with a wave, she tastes sweet berry pie.

A swirling rainbow arching high with glittering drops. In the background, fluffy clouds watch quietly.

A bright rainbow dances across the sky. It twirls and sparkles, sprinkling tiny drops of color.

Frostyline Fable happily holding a small loaf of bread. In the background, friendly houses stand.

Frostyline Fable tips his hat to kind neighbors. They offer warm bread. He smiles and says “Thanks!” with a happy tummy.

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