The Tale of Flicker's Reflection


A story about How to Say Sorry
for your 3rd Grader.

Flicker Sparkleaf lived in a cozy village hidden among giant flowers. Each morning, she woke to the soft glow of fish that swam through nearby streams. She loved to wander, eager for each new adventure.

One sunny day, she joined her friend to paint bright flower petals. Flicker giggled as she danced around, holding a jar of glittery paint. She felt playful, but she did not notice her friend’s careful brushstrokes.

Suddenly, Flicker tripped on a loose vine, and the paint jar flew from her hands. The paint splashed all over her friend’s painting of a blooming sunflower. Flicker gasped in horror as the colors swirled, spoiling the bright artwork.

Her friend stared at the ruined painting, tears filling their eyes. Flicker’s heart sank. She wanted to pretend it was not her fault, but she knew deep down that she had caused the mess. A pang of guilt stung her.

Her friend ran off, leaving Flicker alone in the garden. Flicker’s world felt flipped upside down. She needed to apologize, but she was afraid she might just make things worse. Her hands trembled as she gently picked up the soggy painting. “I must make this right,” she whispered.

Flicker set off on a quest to find her friend. She ventured through an enchanted glade where tiny lights danced among the tree branches. The path was hidden under twisty roots, but Flicker kept going, determined to say she was sorry.

As she walked, Flicker remembered how important it is to own up to a mistake, even if it feels tough. She thought of how her friend must feel, losing a painting they had worked on for so long. “I wish I had seen how careful you were,” she whispered to herself.

Soon, she came to a sparkling dew-drop bridge. Mist shimmered on the steps, making them slippery. Flicker’s feet wobbled, and she nearly lost her balance, but she gripped the railing tight. She had to cross, no matter how hard it was.