The Starry Adventure of Zigzag Zander




The Starry Adventure of Zigzag Zander

A story about Sadness

for your 1st Grader.

Zigzag Zander stands with a puzzled look on his face. In the background, gentle hills arc under a starry sky.

Zigzag Zander was a quirky Zombie who loved puzzles. He stood on a rolling hill at Puzzle Peak, gazing at the twinkling sky. His heart felt a little heavy, but he did not know why.

Zibloo smiles while holding a tiny spaceship toy. In the background, shining stars reflect on the grassy slopes.

Zibloo, a curious Alien, zoomed closer. “Are you ready?” asked Zibloo with a grin. Zigzag Zander nodded, but he felt quiet inside.

A blue puzzle box is perched on the ground. In the background, faint moonlight glimmers on the path.

They started their walk. Zigzag Zander carried a blue puzzle box, hoping to solve it under the stars. The box felt cool in his hands.

Zigzag Zander sits quietly with folded hands. In the background, tall grass moves gently in the breeze.

“I feel odd,” said Zigzag Zander softly. “I am not hurt, but I am sad.” He pressed his hands together and looked down at the grass.

Zibloo tilts his head, offering a gentle smile. In the background, small stones line a winding trail.

Zibloo knelt next to him. “Sometimes I feel sad, too,” said Zibloo. “I do not always know why. It’s like a cloudy day in my mind.”

A comet streak glows brightly in the sky. In the background, distant stars shimmer in the night.

Zigzag Zander saw a bright comet flash across the sky. It reminded him of a puzzle piece, lighting up the dark for just a moment.

Zigzag Zander wipes a tear from his face. In the background, gentle rolling hills extend far.

Zigzag Zander felt a tear slip down his cheek. He took a deep breath and said, “I feel alone, but I know I am not.” Then he sighed.

Zibloo rests a hand gently on a friend’s shoulder. In the background, soft moonlight glows on the hillside.

Zibloo placed a hand on Zigzag Zander’s shoulder. “You are never alone,” Zibloo whispered. “We can talk about sad feelings together.”

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