The Sparkly Clean Palace Adventure




The Sparkly Clean Palace Adventure

A story about Cleaning

for your Kindergartener.

Princess Zoombella standing in a sparkly hallway, wearing a light blue gown In the background: glittering ice arches

High in a snowy kingdom stands a palace of ice. The halls shimmer with bright snowflakes that twinkle like tiny stars. Inside lives Princess Zoombella, who loves butterflies.

Frostyline Fable with a big, curious smile, holding a tiny explorer’s bag In the background: swirling snow

Every morning, Frostyline Fable the Snowman hops around the palace. He searches for new corners to explore and new stories to tell.

An open toy chest lined with sparkly cloth In the background: frosty windows

Together, they have many adventures and watch the snow flutter gently outside. They especially love the grand playroom where they invent games.

Princess Zoombella with a hand over her mouth in shock In the background: icicle curtains

One chilly morning, Princess Zoombella slips into the playroom. She gasps in surprise. Many toys are scattered all over the floor!

Frostyline Fable pointing at the messy floor In the background: tall pillars of ice

Frostyline Fable peeks in and sees crayons, blocks, and papers everywhere. “Oh no!” he says. “We can barely walk!”

A sturdy broom made of shimmering ice In the background: playful confetti of snowflakes

“Let’s have a clean-up party!” Frostyline Fable declares. They clap their snow-dusted mittens in excitement.

Princess Zoombella carefully placing crayons into a shining box In the background: small piles of gathered toys

Princess Zoombella starts by picking up crayons and putting them in a bright box. “This makes it easier to find them later,” she giggles.

Frostyline Fable stacking puzzles on a high shelf In the background: shining ice shelves

Frostyline Fable finds a special spot for puzzles. “When puzzles are on the shelf, we won’t step on them,” he says, patting them gently.

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