The Sleepy Dog named Milo




The Sleepy Dog named Milo

A story about Favorite Animals

for your 3rd Grader.

Milo - a French Bulldog - sleeping peacefully in a busy city park, a bone clutched in his paw.

In a bustling city full of canine friends and hidden treasures, lived a sleepy dog named Milo. Milo was known for his love of bones and his ability to nap anywhere, anytime.

Whiskers the cat running away with the dogs' ball, leaving the dogs in shock.

One sunny afternoon, while Milo was snoozing under a tree, his friends, the city dogs, were playing fetch nearby. Suddenly, a mischievous cat named Whiskers appeared, causing chaos and stealing their ball.

Milo waking up, looking surprised at his friends' distress.

"Oh no!" cried Milo's friends. "Whiskers has taken our ball!" Milo, awakened by the commotion, rubbed his eyes and looked around.

Milo - a French Bulldog - looking determined, heading towards Whiskers' hiding place.

"Don't worry, friends," said Milo, "I'll get our ball back." Despite his sleepiness, Milo knew he had to help his friends. He bravely set off towards Whiskers' hiding place.

Milo standing at the entrance of a dark alley, looking scared but determined.

As Milo approached Whiskers' lair, he felt a shiver of fear. It was dark and spooky. But remembering his friends' faces, he took a deep breath and stepped inside.

A cat playing with a ball

Inside, Milo found Whiskers playing with the stolen ball. "Give it back, Whiskers!" Milo demanded. But Whiskers just hissed and swiped at Milo with her sharp claws.

Milo taking deep breaths, thinking of his friends.

Milo was scared, but he remembered a tip his mom had given him: "When you're scared, take deep breaths and think of something you love." So, Milo thought of his friends and their happy faces when they played fetch.

Milo running out of the alley with the ball, Whiskers chasing after him.

With newfound courage, Milo barked loudly, startling Whiskers. He quickly grabbed the ball and ran out of the alley, Whiskers hot on his tail.

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