The Potty Path Trail




The Potty Path Trail

A story about Potty Training

for your Baby.

Calamity Kate smiling in her big cowboy hat. In the background, rolling sand dunes

Calamity Kate stands on the sandy trail. She tips her hat to the wide, blue sky.

Buzzywhirl with a tiny hammer in hand. In the background, small scattered pebbles

Buzzywhirl buzzes close by. He loves to tinker with shiny tools.

A tumbleweed spinning in the breeze. In the background, low sandy hills

A tumbleweed rolls along. It makes a funny scratchy sound—scratch, scratch!

The porcupine holding its tummy gently. In the background, soft brush and tiny rocks

A little porcupine scurries by. He feels a wiggle in his tummy.

Buzzywhirl placing a shiny gear on the map. In the background, a small wooden table

Buzzywhirl clicks his tools. He makes a special map called the Potty Map.

Calamity Kate pointing at a big 'X' on a paper. In the background, gentle hills under a sunny sky

Calamity Kate reads the map. She smiles big and points at the potty circle.

The porcupine hurrying towards a sign with an arrow. In the background, small cactus plants

The porcupine says, “My tummy goes gurgle!” Time to find the potty circle!

A wooden sign with a bright red arrow. In the background, puffy white clouds

A bright red arrow points the way. It stands tall, showing where to go.

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