The Magic Drawing Board


A story about Sharing
for your 1st Grader.

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, a smart little girl named Ava moved with her mom and dad. Ava loved to draw. She had a unique drawing board that brought everything she drew to life.

One sunny afternoon, Ava's friend, Lily, came over. Lily was fascinated by Ava's magical drawing board. 'Can I try?' she asked. Ava hesitated. She loved her board and was afraid to share it.

Suddenly, the board went blank! Ava tried to draw, but nothing happened. Then, an otherworldly voice echoed, 'Ava, you must learn to share your things with others.' Ava was shocked and scared.

Ava decided to share her board with Lily. But when Lily tried to draw, the board remained blank. Ava realized that she had to do more than just share her board.

The next day, Ava took her board to the park. She saw a boy named Max trying to fly his kite. Ava offered to help. Together, they drew a strong wind on the board, and Max's kite soared high.

Ava felt happy. She had shared her board and helped someone. But when she tried to draw again, the board was still blank. Ava was confused. She had shared, but why wasn't the magic back?

Ava met a girl named Bella who was sad because she had lost her teddy bear. Ava wanted to help. She gave Bella her favorite teddy bear. Bella's smile made Ava feel warm inside.

When Ava returned home, she tried to draw on her board again. This time, a beautiful flower bloomed on the board. Ava was overjoyed! She had not only shared her board but also learned to share her things.