The Lost Christmas Sparkle




The Lost Christmas Sparkle

A story about Christmas

for your Preschooler.

Show Glimmer Puff and Princess Zoombella - who is black - is smiling at the castle gate. In the background, tall castle walls can be seen

The kingdom twinkled with lights. The scent of gingerbread filled the air. Glimmer Puff floated near a tall castle gate with Princess Zoombella by her side.

Show Princess Zoombella - who is black - is looking worried with Glimmer Puff floating close. In the background, festive garlands hang on the gates

Suddenly, the Christmas sparkle was gone! The lights seemed dim. Glimmer Puff gasped. “Oh no! Where is our special glow?” asked Princess Zoombella with wide eyes.

A small silver bell lies on glistening white snow. In the background, snow-covered stones line a path

They saw a shiny bell lying on the snowy ground. It did not ring. Glimmer Puff shook it, but no sound came. This was strange.

Show Glimmer Puff and Princess Zoombella - who is black - is moving past rows of shops. In the background, shop windows glow softly

Glimmer Puff and Princess Zoombella floated and skipped through the busy streets. “We must ask our neighbors for help,” said Glimmer Puff. The kingdom felt quiet without sparkle.

Show Princess Zoombella - who is black - is holding a cookie from the neighbor. In the background, a simple wooden door with a wreath

They knocked on a neighbor’s door. The neighbor said, “I’m baking cookies to share. That might help bring the sparkle back!” Glimmer Puff thanked the neighbor.

Show Princess Zoombella - who is black - is holding a bright red bow while Glimmer Puff smiles. In the background, soft snowflakes drift down

At another home, a neighbor offered a small red bow. “Sharing something small can still bring big joy,” Princess Zoombella whispered. They kept going with hopeful hearts.

A small lantern glows dimly on a windowsill. In the background, a quiet street with falling snow

They noticed a cozy lantern flickering in a window. Its flame danced but seemed faint. The lantern looked lonely without its glimmer.

Show Glimmer Puff and Princess Zoombella - who is black - waving happily at a neighbor. In the background, tall buildings and twinkling lights

Glimmer Puff spoke gently, “When things feel missing, we can share our smiles and kind words.” Princess Zoombella nodded. She gave a wave to a passing neighbor. The neighbor waved back with a smile.

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