The Invisible Paintbrush




The Invisible Paintbrush

A story about Cleaning

for your 3rd Grader.

Ava sitting at her art table with a worried expression

Ava was a smart little girl who loved to draw. She had a special paintbrush that she used for all her art projects. One evening, while working on a project for school, she realized her special paintbrush was missing.

Ava's messy art room

She looked around her art room, which was filled with papers, colors, and all sorts of art materials. 'Oh no! My room is such a mess, how will I find my brush?' Ava thought.

Ava cleaning her room

Ava decided to clean up her room, hoping to find her brush. As she picked up each item, she realized how much easier it would be to find things if she kept her room tidy.

Ava thinking with a lightbulb above her head

After cleaning her room, Ava still couldn't find her brush. She thought hard and remembered using it at her friend Mia's house. 'Maybe I left it there,' she thought.

a little boy carrying a heavy box while struggling

Ava rushed to Mia's house. On her way, she saw her friend Ben struggling to carry a heavy box. 'I need to help Ben, but I also need to find my brush,' Ava thought.

Ava walking towards a house

Ava decided to help Ben first. After all, a friend in need is a friend indeed. She then continued her journey to Mia's house.

Ava searching at Mia's house

At Mia's house, Ava searched everywhere but couldn't find her brush. She felt disappointed but didn't lose hope. 'I must have left it somewhere else,' she thought.

Max scaring Ava

On her way back home, Ava's little brother, Max, played a trick on her by hiding behind a tree and jumping out to scare her. Ava was startled but then laughed. 'Max, have you seen my brush?' she asked.

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