The Great Treehouse Gathering


A story about Friendship
for your 2nd Grader.

High above the ground, Bolda the Bright gazed out from her leafy treehouse, excited to meet new friends among the ancient oaks. She brushed a stray leaf from her sturdy helmet, eager for the day ahead.

Across the wide platform, Blossom Sprout hummed a happy tune, her green vines twitching with excitement. She couldn't wait to greet every creature who lived in the forest canopy.

They began to decorate for the party, hanging bright ribbons around the treehouse so all the new friends would feel welcome and cheery.

Bolda arranged bowls on a broad table, thinking carefully about how to make everyone comfortable. She wanted each guest to have a special spot to share their favorite snacks.

Meanwhile, Blossom Sprout collected seeds and berries to share, padding softly across the planks. She made sure each seed was fresh and ready.

Soon, neighbors arrived with tiny wooden puzzle pieces to play with. But a misunderstanding popped up when everyone grabbed for the same pieces at once.

Bolda quickly raised her hand for quiet, remembering that it’s wise to speak calmly. She told the group they could take turns, so everyone felt included.

Blossom Sprout offered a gentle nod, showing the creatures how to wait patiently. When one piece was placed, another guest would place the next one, and so on.