The Enchanted Rodeo


A story about Kindness
for your 4th Grader.

The dusty roads twisted through the bustling frontier town, where wagons rattled and riders trotted by. Calamity Kate grinned as she approached the lively marketplace, ready for the annual rodeo to begin.

Inside the marketplace, Buzzywhirl the giant insect buzzed around, admiring gears and gadgets that sparkled in every stall. Known for clever tinkering, the helpful creature marveled at each new contraption, hoping to repair and improve them one day.

Workers hammered together the large wooden corral that would soon hold charging horses and cheering crowds. Rustic ropes hung from the fence, ready for the grand lasso competition.

When the time came for the first event, Calamity Kate rode into the arena and felt a sudden jolt. The saddle strap had been loosened, but she managed to keep her balance by gripping the reins tightly.

While Calamity Kate recovered from the bumpy ride, Buzzywhirl fluttered near the stables, noticing a frayed rope and a mysterious trail of footprints. The keen-eyed insect decided to follow the clues quietly.

Nearby, a toppled barrel roll was covered in fresh gouges, as though a sharp tool had deliberately poked holes in its sides. The leftover scraps of metal suggested someone had tampered with the obstacle course.

Calamity Kate spoke with worried riders, offering comfort and advice on double-checking their tack before each event. She knew that a little caution could prevent trouble during these strange rodeo mishaps.

Buzzywhirl tested all sorts of gadgets, from squeaky gates to sticky wagon wheels. By examining every detail, the insect discovered a broken clamp in the mechanical bull, which made it spin wildly.