Swirl and Twirl with Flicker and Ember




Swirl and Twirl with Flicker and Ember

A story about What causes a hurricane?

for your Preschooler.

Show Flicker Sparkleaf with her pointy ears by the sparkling shore, smiling at the water. In the background, turquoise waves shimmer.

Flicker Sparkleaf stands on the sand. She sees turquoise waves. She hears crabs clap. She smiles at the big ocean.

Show Ember Flare with a playful grin, hovering above the sand. In the background, small shells rest on the shore.

Ember Flare flutters in the salty breeze. He flaps his bright wings. He giggles at the clapping crabs.

Show a large pink seashell with swirly patterns. In the background, gentle waves roll.

A bright pink seashell sits on the sand. It glows in the sunshine. It hums softly when the wind blows.

Show Flicker Sparkleaf shading her eyes, looking at the gusty sky. In the background, palm trees bend.

Flicker Sparkleaf feels the wind grow stronger. She holds her hair back. She wonders why the air is so wild.

Show Ember Flare tilting his head, sniffing the air. In the background, clouds gather.

Ember Flare sniffs the salty air. He feels raindrops on his snout. He whispers, "Something big is coming!"

Show one crab with raised claws and bright eyes. In the background, swirling sand puffs.

A playful crab clicks its claws. The wind blows sand around its tiny legs. It scuttles to find a snug, sandy nook.

Show Flicker Sparkleaf pointing toward dark, swirling clouds. In the background, the waves rise high.

Flicker Sparkleaf points to the whirling clouds. She says, "The ocean’s smile is too warm. That makes big storms called hurricanes."

Show Ember Flare looking up at the sky with wings gently folded. In the background, the wind swirls.

Ember Flare nods with wide eyes. He says, "We should find a cozy place to wait. Let’s be safe together!"

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