Starlight, Starbright, Sleepy Dog's Night


A story about Space
for your 1st Grader.

Once upon a time, in a quiet little town, lived a sleepy dog named Milo. Every night, Milo would gaze at the twinkling stars from his backyard, dreaming of fetching the brightest star, Sirius, from the sky.

One day, Milo decided to turn his dream into reality. He started building a spaceship from old boxes and tin cans. His tail wagged with excitement as he imagined his journey through the stars.

After days of hard work, Milo's spaceship was ready. He put on his astronaut helmet, took a deep breath, and hopped into his spaceship. 'To Sirius and beyond!' he barked, as he blasted off into the night sky.

As Milo soared through the sky, he saw constellations like the Big Dipper and Orion's Belt. He tried to navigate through them, but it was trickier than he thought. He realized that space was much bigger than his backyard.

Milo faced his first obstacle when he got caught in a meteor shower. He quickly learned to steer his spaceship away from the falling rocks. 'Phew, that was close!' he panted, feeling a bit scared but also brave.

Milo then encountered a swirling black hole. He felt his spaceship being pulled towards it. But Milo was determined. He pushed the spaceship's throttle to its maximum and zoomed away just in time.

As he journeyed further, Milo learned about different stars. He discovered that some stars were bigger than the sun, while others were smaller. He also learned that Sirius was not the biggest star, but it was the brightest because it was closer to Earth.

After what felt like forever, Milo finally reached Sirius. He was amazed by its bright blue light. But as he reached out to fetch it, he realized he couldn't. Sirius was not a bone he could simply pick up; it was a giant, burning star.