Sofia's Rainbow Journey


A story about Love
for your 1st Grader.

Once upon a time, in a small and colorful town, lived a shy baby girl named Sofia. Sofia loved rainbows more than anything else. Every day, she would gaze at the town's beloved rainbow, its vibrant colours filling her heart with joy.

One day, Sofia woke up to find the rainbow had vanished. The town was grey and dull without it. Sofia felt a deep sadness in her heart. 'I must bring back our rainbow,' she decided.

Sofia packed her bag with her favourite rainbow-colored scarf and set off on her journey. Her first stop was the highest mountain. The climb was steep and Sofia was scared. But she remembered her love for the rainbow and pushed on.

At the top of the mountain, Sofia met a lonely old man. He was cold and had lost his blanket. Sofia gave him her rainbow-colored scarf. As she did, a red stripe appeared in the sky.

Next, Sofia reached the deepest river. She was afraid to cross it. But she thought of her town without its rainbow and gathered her courage.

In the river, Sofia found a fish stuck in a net. She freed the fish, even though it meant she would get wet and cold. As the fish swam away, an orange stripe appeared in the sky.

Sofia continued her journey, helping those she met along the way. With each act of love, a new color appeared in the sky. The rainbow was slowly returning.

Finally, Sofia returned to her town. The rainbow was back, brighter than ever. The townsfolk cheered and thanked Sofia. But Sofia just smiled and said, 'It was love that brought back our rainbow.'