Sofia's Colorful Quest




Sofia's Colorful Quest

A story about Cleaning

for your Preschooler.

Sofia looking at a rainbow in the sky

Once upon a time, in a vibrant town full of parks and enchanting forests, lived a shy baby girl named Sofia. Sofia loved rainbows more than anything else in the world.

Sofia looking sad at a town where all the buildings and trees are black and white

One day, Sofia woke up to find that her favorite rainbow had disappeared! The colors were lost from her town. Sofia was very sad and missed the beautiful colors.

A black and white talking tree

In the park, Sofia met a friendly talking tree. 'The rainbow can return,' said the tree, 'but only if you learn to respect your environment and clean up the park after a picnic.'

Sofia picking up a soda can off the ground

Sofia was surprised but determined. She decided to clean up the park. She picked up the litter, put it in the trash bin, and even recycled some of it.

A black and white landscape

But the rainbow didn't return. Sofia felt disappointed. 'Why hasn't the rainbow come back?' she asked the tree.

The tree talking to Sofia

'Cleaning up once isn't enough,' the tree explained. 'You need to make it a habit. Only then will the rainbow return.'

Sofia doing the dishes

Sofia understood. She started cleaning up not just the park, but also her room, her toys, and even helped her parents with the dishes.

Sofia feeling proud of her clean space

It was hard work, but Sofia didn't give up. She felt proud of her clean space and knew she was doing the right thing.

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