Sir Liang and the Halloween Rescue


A story about Halloween
for your Kindergartener.

It was Halloween night in Pumpkin Hollow Village. Tiny lights glowed in windows, and children laughed as they showed off colorful costumes. Sir Liang the Brave polished her metal armor, feeling excited for the treats and smiles to come.

Just outside, Ember Flare the dragon waited with a goofy grin. His shimmering scales sparkled whenever he wiggled his tail. He could not wait to soar around the village in search of sweet surprises.

The streets were lined with bright lanterns, each one carved like a friendly pumpkin face. They winked happily at every passerby and made the chilly air feel warm.

Sir Liang noticed children dressed as pirates, fairies, and even silly robots. She waved her sword softly, reminding them that scary costumes are just pretend. Everyone smiled, feeling safe and brave together.

From a distance, Ember Flare spotted a tiny ghost, floating all alone. The little ghost drifted in circles, searching for its giggling friends. "We should help," puffed Ember Flare, determined to be kind.

They saw a tall candy stick lying on the ground, half unwrapped but still bright and tasty. Sir Liang and Ember Flare wondered if it belonged to someone in the ghost’s group.

Sir Liang kneeled beside the little ghost. "Are you lost?" she asked softly. The ghost nodded, its eyes looking worried behind its sheet.

Ember Flare puffed a warm breath. "We can help you find your friends," he said with a friendly grin. The little ghost did a tiny twirl, feeling hopeful.