Sibling Surprise in Marshmallow Castle


A story about Getting a New Sister
for your 4th Grader.

Inside the Marshmallow Castle, the colorful windows glowed from the gentle light of gumdrop lanterns. King Doodle Bum paced along the chocolate floor, feeling both excited and a little worried about his soon-to-arrive baby sister.

Sparkly candy armchairs were arranged in a perfect circle in the grand hall, each cushion as soft as whipped cream. People whispered that the chairs always jiggled whenever someone felt nervous, like they were sharing a secret.

Down in a quiet corner of the castle, Brutus the purple warthog rummaged through a basket of crunchy lemon cookies while humming a silly tune under his breath.

Early the next morning, King Doodle Bum visited the chocolate garden, where licorice vines swayed in the breeze. He secretly measured a hidden spot, planning to build a secret fortress so he wouldn’t have to share his favorite treats.

At the center of the garden stood a towering sugar sculpture carved into the shape of a swirling tornado, its sides gleaming with flakes of cotton candy.

Nearby, Brutus cackled at his own joke, then paused to give some advice. He said that sharing chocolate might feel scary at first, but having someone to laugh with could be worth it.

King Doodle Bum carefully balanced chocolate bricks, imagining walls that would keep out any newcomer. He felt a pinch of guilt in his chest, wondering if the new sister would ever understand his love for fudgy delights.

A rainbow-hued telescope made of peppermint wood stood on a swivel, aimed at the cotton-candy clouds overhead. It sparkled whenever someone peered through its lens.