Sammy, Buzzywhirl, and the Potty Adventure Map


A story about Potty Training
for your Preschooler.

In the tall, tall grass, Sammy the Spirited Samurai sat with a shiny map. The breeze made soft whooshes all around.

Buzzywhirl buzzed around, big eyes wide with wonder. He could not wait to explore the maze.

On the old paper, a sparkling star marked a special potty spot. Could this be the place they were looking for?

Sammy pointed to a trail that twisted left and right. She took a small step and said, “Let’s be brave!”

Buzzywhirl peered under leaves that rustled with a gentle flap. He felt a tiny rumble in his tummy.

Green stepping stones showed the way forward. Splat! A drop of morning dew made them shimmer.

Sammy turned each stepping stone. She said, “If you feel a funny wiggle, it may be time to go!”

Buzzywhirl tried to be patient. He took a deep breath and held the map with careful claws.