Rainbows in Sofia's Sky


A story about Getting a New Brother
for your 5th Grader.

Sofia, a shy little girl with a big love for rainbows, was sitting in her colorful bedroom when her parents told her the news. 'Sofia, you're going to have a baby brother,' they said. Sofia's heart fluttered with a mix of excitement and worry.

'A baby brother?' Sofia asked, her eyes wide. 'But I like it being just us.' Her parents smiled and reassured her, 'You'll be a wonderful big sister, Sofia.'

Sofia wasn't sure about this big change. She loved her quiet, peaceful home. Would a baby brother change everything? She decided to talk to her best friend, Rainbow, her stuffed unicorn.

'Rainbow, I'm scared. What if I don't like being a big sister?' Sofia asked. Rainbow didn't answer, but Sofia felt a little better after sharing her worries.

The next day, Sofia's parents asked her to help prepare the nursery. Sofia hesitated, but then she had an idea. 'Can we make it rainbow-themed?' she asked. Her parents agreed.

Sofia started to see her home through the eyes of a big sister. She imagined her baby brother playing with her toys, reading her books, and sleeping under the rainbow she painted on the nursery wall.

But as the days passed, Sofia started to worry again. 'What if he breaks my toys? What if he doesn't like my stories?' she asked Rainbow. 'What if he doesn't like rainbows?'

Sofia's parents noticed her worries. 'Sofia, it's okay to feel scared. But remember, your baby brother will look up to you. You'll teach him to love and respect your things, just like we taught you.'