Queen Neena's Apology Adventure




Queen Neena's Apology Adventure

A story about How to Say Sorry

for your Preschooler.

Show Queen Neena holding a small watering can with a big smile. In the background stands the tall, colorful castle.

Queen Neena lived in a grand garden. She loved to run among tall, magical flowers. She smiled at the bright sun.

Show Queen Neena with wide eyes as the ball hits the hive. In the background stands the tall, colorful castle.

One day, Queen Neena spotted a shiny ball. She bounced it near the tall flowers. Suddenly, she bumped a bee's cozy hive!

A shiny ball rests on the ground near a broken hive piece. In the background stands the tall, colorful castle.

Crash! The hive tumbled down. The bees buzzed around in alarm. The garden felt shaky.

Show Queen Neena lifting her hands, facing the bees. In the background stands tall, magical flowers.

“Oh no!” said Queen Neena. “I did not mean to break your home!” The bees buzzed angrily.

Show Queen Neena bowing her head to the bees. In the background stands tall, magical flowers.

The bees were upset. Queen Neena felt sad. She remembered to say sorry and mean it.

Show Queen Neena holding out her hands gently to the bees. In the background stands tall, magical flowers.

“I am so sorry,” said Queen Neena. “I want to help fix your hive.” The bees buzzed a little softer.

Show Queen Neena picking up small sticks next to the flowers. In the background stands tall, magical flowers.

Queen Neena looked for tiny sticks. She found sticky drops of honey. “When we say sorry, we also try to fix what we broke,” she whispered.

Little bits of honey shine on the sticks, forming a new hive shape. In the background stands tall, magical flowers.

She carried the sticks carefully. She placed them just right. The broken hive started to take shape again.

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