Queen Neena and the Lovely Heart Parade


A story about Valentine's Day
for your Baby.

Queen Neena wakes in her bright room. The sky is full of heart balloons. She feels happy and ready for fun!

Cluckster flutters outside the barn. He sings, “Cluck-cluck, cluck-cluck!” He loves new adventures.

A big basket sits in the courtyard. It is filled with bright, tiny hearts. Little hearts shimmer in the light.

Queen Neena picks a heart from the basket. She smiles and says, “We can say, ‘Here is a heart,’ to show love.”

Cluckster hops around the basket. He clucks happily, ready to share love, too.

A tall sign stands in the town square. Big heart shapes decorate its edges. It glows with warm colors for Valentine’s Day.

Queen Neena meets a friend. She gives the friend a heart. The friend feels warm and happy.

Cluckster sees a neighbor in the garden. He shares a heart with a soft, friendly “cluck.”