Queen Neena and the Labyrinth of Lost Dreams


A story about Fairy Tales
for your 2nd Grader.

High in her castle tower, Queen Neena gazed at the giant hedge walls in the distance. She thought about the missing dream from her kingdom, which had vanished without a trace. Early that morning, she decided to journey into the Labyrinth of Dreams to find it.

Blinky Sparx joined her at the castle gates. This sparkly android loved puzzles and beeped with excitement. Together, they stepped into the maze, feeling the soft crunch of gravel under their feet.

They moved deeper into the labyrinth, passing an old sundial. Its face glowed in the sunlight, pointing shadows in mysterious directions. Suddenly, it chimed as if trying to give them a clue.

With careful steps, Queen Neena listened for distant whispers. They seemed to say, 'Only those who trust their hearts can find lost hopes.' She smiled, feeling braver as she went on.

Blinky Sparx beeped in wonder at each new turn. The android noticed tiny arrows etched into the hedge branches. Each arrow pointed toward a hidden door, but they still had to find the right one.

Suddenly, they came upon a shimmering mirror standing in the middle of the corridor. The mirror reflected not just their shapes, but also gentle sparkles dancing around. It felt like an invitation to be truthful with their own thoughts.

Queen Neena recalled an old story: 'Sometimes, if you share your worries, they become smaller.' She whispered her fear about the missing dream to the reflection, and felt a hint of hope glow inside.

Blinky Sparx beeped softly and offered another idea. 'Sometimes the best way to find something hidden is to look where you least expect.' The android suggested they check the darkest corner of the maze.