Nourishing Bolda's Quest


A story about Food
for your 5th Grader.

Far beyond the snowy peaks and dark seas, Bolda the Bright looked out over the forest's towering trees. She had heard rumors about magical fruits hidden within the thick woods, and her heart danced with excitement. She longed for discovery, dreaming of special foods that could bring people together.

Ember Flare, a curious dragon with scales that shimmered orange, soared in circles above Bolda. He nearly tumbled from the sky in his rush to greet her, thrilled that they would explore together. There was nothing Ember loved more than a grand quest and good company.

They carefully unfolded a tattered map that whispered of a hidden grove. The parchment had tiny runes scrawled in the corners and colorful lines leading to the secret fruit trees. It promised wonders, but only for those who truly believed in cooperation and fair sharing.

As Bolda led the way into the forest, she noticed the air smelled sweet. The path twisted between giant roots, and she felt bursts of fresh energy each time she breathed in the sweet scent. Could the stories about the magical fruit be true? She pushed aside a tangled vine and pressed forward.

Ember Flare hovered overhead and spotted a group of travelers resting by a gurgling stream. They spoke of new obstacles up ahead: a tall ridge guarded by hungry wolves. If the duo wanted to reach the grove, they would need to be clever and well-prepared.

Bolda remembered an old Viking saying: “A strong body needs healthy choices.” She offered the travelers some dried fish, sharing how protein helped keep her strength up. In return, they gave her a pouch of roasted oats mixed with sweet berries, perfect for quick energy during climbs.

They soon reached a ruined stone arch, carved with swirling shapes. Sharp briars crept around the pillars, making the passage feel eerie yet full of mystery. Something sparkled on the ground: an old bronze coin, half-buried in the moss.

Determined to find the fruit, Ember Flare soared ahead, weaving between ancient oaks. He had eaten only half of his berries earlier and felt a bit sluggish now. With a quick chomp of the leftover snack, he perked right up and zoomed forward again, grateful for the tasty energy boost.