Nessie Sparkles and the Cloud Conundrum


A story about Where does rain come from?
for your 3rd Grader.

The Highlands were quiet with soft mist drifting over green hills. King Doodle Bum woke one morning and ran to his chocolate fountain, only to find something strange: no new raindrops were falling. He twirled his crown in worry, thinking the chocolate rain might have vanished forever.

Nessie Sparkles popped out from the misty loch, shimmering in the soft morning light. She waved her tail and asked the anxious king why he looked so troubled. The king explained his fear that all the chocolate rain was gone.

They both decided to investigate. Rumors said that if anyone climbed the tallest cliffs, they could chat with the clouds to learn secrets of the sky. The king felt hesitant, but Nessie Sparkles teased, telling him that real explorers never give up.

Early the next morning, King Doodle Bum set off with his favorite walking stick and a hopeful heart. Although he felt nervous, he tried to stay calm, remembering that sometimes patience is needed when problems seem big.

Nessie Sparkles followed closely, using her long neck to peek at every rock and crevice. She whispered stories of how rain helps flowers and trees grow tall, hoping to remind the king that water is life.

At last, they reached the highest point, where strong winds tugged at their crowns and scales. Thick, puffy clouds drifted overhead, looking like giant cotton mountains. The king called out, asking why the rain had stopped.

A gentle rumble answered. The clouds explained they were gathering water vapor from the warm air, turning it into tiny droplets. Once the droplets became heavy, they would fall again. But right now, they just needed more time.

Nessie Sparkles nodded, understanding that the weather is like a circle of waiting and change. She encouraged the king to trust that the sky would release the rain again once it was ready.