Nessie's Sparkling Potty Quest


A story about Potty Training
for your Preschooler.

Early in the day, Cactus Cody stood by the big loch. He saw bright rainbows on the water. He smiled at the warm sun.

Nessie Sparkles peeked above the waves. She loved the ripples and the soft splashes. She felt ready for an adventure.

By the shore, a special potty glowed with a gentle light. It shimmered like sunbeams on water. It looked warm and bright.

Cactus Cody saw the potty gleam. He tipped his hat in wonder. He said, “What a bright surprise!”

Nessie Sparkles felt a dance in her tummy. She looked at the potty and felt curious. She wiggled closer to the loch’s edge.

Cactus Cody used a caring voice. He said, “When your tummy does a little dance, it might be potty time! It’s good to go right away.”

The loch’s waves glowed in rainbow colors. Little ripples danced around the shining seat. The air felt fresh and happy.

Nessie Sparkles took a big breath. Her tummy felt fluttery. She hopped onto the dry sand, feeling brave.