Nessie and the Secret of the Clouds


A story about Where does rain come from?
for your Baby.

Nessie Sparkles wakes by the calm, blue lake. The tall mountains stand high, touching the clouds. Nessie Sparkles loves to read books about the sky.

One morning, Nessie Sparkles sees a big, fluffy cloud. “Where did you come from?” Nessie Sparkles asks. The cloud floats quietly by.

Nessie Sparkles feels excited. “I want to find that cloud!” she says. She closes her book and starts her climb into the mountains.

The path is steep. Rocks slip under big, webbed feet. Drip, drop, a little rain begins to fall.

Nessie Sparkles grows tired. She feels lonely up here. She remembers a story about being brave. Reading can help us learn to keep going.

A rustle in the bushes! A family of rabbits pops out. “Hop, hop!” they say. “Are you looking for the big cloud?” asks Papa Rabbit.

The rabbits show Nessie Sparkles a bright red wildflower. “We saw the cloud float over here,” says Mama Rabbit. “It carried rain to help the flowers grow.”

“Clouds travel far,” says Nessie Sparkles. “They bring water for the land.” Papa Rabbit nods. “Rain helps little plants and big trees. Then we have food and shade.”