Milo's Naptime Adventures


A story about Nap Time
for your Baby.

In the bustling Square of Pupsville, Milo the Sleepy Dog woke up from his morning nap. He looked around and saw his friends playing and having fun.

Milo yawned and stretched. He felt a little tired, but he didn't want to miss out on the fun. 'I'll just skip my afternoon nap,' he thought.

'Hey, Milo!' called Bella the Bunny. 'Come join us!' But as Milo started to play, he felt more tired than before.

Milo decided to ask his friends for advice. 'How do you stay awake all day?' he asked Bella. 'I just hop around!' she replied.

Milo tried hopping like Bella, but he just felt more tired. 'This isn't working,' he thought. 'I need to find another way.'

Next, he asked Oliver the Owl. 'I stay awake by eating lots of berries,' Oliver said. Milo tried eating berries, but he still felt sleepy.

Feeling frustrated, Milo went to see his friend, Lucy the Lamb. 'I count my wool when I can't sleep,' she said. But counting made Milo even sleepier!

Milo felt more tired than ever. 'Maybe I just need my nap,' he thought. So, he found a cozy spot and closed his eyes.