Milo and the Missing Bone in Space


A story about Space
for your 3rd Grader.

Milo, the Sleepy Dog, loved nothing more than his shiny bone. One day, he woke up from his nap and found his bone missing. He looked everywhere in his comfortable home but couldn't find it. Suddenly, he saw a strange light coming from the sky. 'Could it be aliens?' he wondered.

Milo decided to follow the light. He found a sparkly spaceship parked in his backyard. 'This must be how the aliens took my bone!' he thought. With a deep breath, he climbed into the spaceship.

The spaceship zoomed off into space. Milo looked out the window and saw Earth getting smaller. He felt a little scared but also excited. 'I'll find my bone and learn about space!' he said to himself.

Milo's first stop was the Star of Sirius. It was the brightest star in the sky. 'Wow, it's so bright and beautiful!' Milo exclaimed. He learned that Sirius is also known as the Dog Star, which made him feel a little more at home.

Suddenly, the spaceship's alarm started beeping. 'Oh no, a black hole!' Milo cried. He quickly steered the spaceship away. It was a close call, but Milo managed to escape. 'Phew, that was close!' he sighed.

Milo then visited a planet full of giant bones. 'My bone must be here!' he thought. But when he landed, he realized the bones were too big for him. 'These bones are not mine,' he said sadly.

Feeling tired and a little homesick, Milo decided to take a nap in the spaceship. When he woke up, he saw a small, shiny object floating in space. 'Could it be?' he wondered.

Milo steered the spaceship towards the shiny object. As he got closer, he realized it was his bone! 'I found it!' he exclaimed. But the bone was stuck in a space rock. 'How will I get it out?' he wondered.