Michael's Misstep At Mystery Mansion




Michael's Misstep At Mystery Mansion

A story about How to Say Sorry

for your 4th Grader.

Michael reading the invitation with a look of excitement.

It was a rainy evening when Michael received an invitation to his friend's birthday party at the old Mystery Mansion. Michael loved puzzles and was excited about the adventure that awaited him.

Michael looking at the antique vase with wide eyes.

As Michael entered the mansion, he was awestruck by its grandeur. He noticed a beautiful, antique vase on a pedestal. It was so delicate and precious that a sign warned, 'Please do not touch.'

A cracked vase

In his excitement, Michael accidentally bumped into the pedestal. The vase wobbled dangerously. He reached out to steady it, but it was too late. The vase fell and shattered into pieces.

Michael with hands on face because of shock while looking at the cracked and shattered vase on the floor inside the mansion

Michael was horrified. He knew he should confess, but he was scared. Instead, he decided to blame it on the mansion's rumored ghost. 'The ghost did it!' he exclaimed.

Michael looking sad at the party.

The party continued, but Michael couldn't enjoy it. He felt guilty about the vase and his lie. He decided to solve the mansion's puzzles to distract himself.

Michael solving puzzles inside the mystery mansion.

As he solved the puzzles, he discovered the true story behind the ghost rumor. The 'ghost' was actually the mansion's old owner who loved puzzles just like Michael.

Michael looking thoughtful and guilty.

Michael realized that the 'ghost' would never have broken the vase. He felt even more guilty. He knew he had to take responsibility for his actions.

guests inside the mansion

Michael gathered his courage and confessed to his friend and the party guests. 'I broke the vase,' he said, 'I'm really sorry.'

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