Luna's Starry Night Blues




Luna's Starry Night Blues

A story about Sadness

for your Kindergartener.

Luna - who is black - stands with her cloak shining. In the background, there are twinkling stars.

High on a magical mountain, the wind sang softly through tall trees. Stars sparkled like tiny lanterns in the dark sky.

Luna gazes upward with wonder. In the background, there is a round moon.

Luna Lighthug was a curious girl vampire. She smiled at the moon above, feeling its gentle glow.

Cluckster waves a feathery wing high. In the background, the wind rustles tall grass.

Cluckster, a white chicken with a big voice, hopped around Luna. “Cluck-a-dee-doo!” he sang.

A shiny rock sparkles on the ground. In the background, the path winds upward.

They climbed higher up the mountain path, stepping over shiny rocks that looked like little mirrors.

Luna holds her hands over her heart. In the background, the sky is filled with stars.

At the top, Luna felt a heavy feeling in her sparkly heart. She did not know why she felt sad.

Cluckster pecks the ground gently. In the background, a breeze stirs fallen leaves.

Cluckster clucked softly. “Are you okay?” he asked. Luna shook her head slowly, feeling uncertain.

Luna speaks in a gentle voice. In the background, leaves sway side to side.

“Sometimes I feel sad,” said Luna quietly. “I do not always know why.”

Cluckster flutters around in a tiny dance. In the background, starlight glimmers.

Cluckster tried to cheer her with a merry tune. “La-la-lu!” he sang, and he danced in circles.

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