Luna's Starry Night Blues


A story about Sadness
for your Kindergartener.

High on a magical mountain, the wind sang softly through tall trees. Stars sparkled like tiny lanterns in the dark sky.

Luna Lighthug was a curious girl vampire. She smiled at the moon above, feeling its gentle glow.

Cluckster, a white chicken with a big voice, hopped around Luna. “Cluck-a-dee-doo!” he sang.

They climbed higher up the mountain path, stepping over shiny rocks that looked like little mirrors.

At the top, Luna felt a heavy feeling in her sparkly heart. She did not know why she felt sad.

Cluckster clucked softly. “Are you okay?” he asked. Luna shook her head slowly, feeling uncertain.

“Sometimes I feel sad,” said Luna quietly. “I do not always know why.”

Cluckster tried to cheer her with a merry tune. “La-la-lu!” he sang, and he danced in circles.