Luna's Heart-Spark Adventure


A story about Valentine's Day
for your Baby.

Luna Lighthug steps into the shining forest. She feels happy in the moonlight. She whispers, “It’s Valentine’s Day!”

Ember Flare flutters beside a soft trail of heart-shaped leaves. He lets out a gentle, “Whoosh!”

A single heart-flower shimmers with a rosy glow. Its petals look like little kisses.

Luna Lighthug reaches down to collect loose petals. She giggles, “These will make friends smile!”

Ember Flare flaps his wings. He says, “Let’s gather more for our forest pals!”

A golden bag shines on the forest floor, perfect for carrying heart-petals. It sparkles like tiny stars.

Luna Lighthug hums a sweet tune. She tucks petals into the bag. She says, “Sharing makes our hearts glow!”

Ember Flare spots a heart-flower stuck high in a tree. He softly calls, “We can help it!”