Luna and the Ringing Changes


A story about Divorce
for your 2nd Grader.

In a cozy house that just became a little too big, lived an affectionate cat named Luna. She loved the sound of bells, especially the ones on Noah's keychain. Lately, Luna noticed that her owners, Lilly and Noah, were arguing more than usual.

One day, Noah packed his bags and left. Luna watched as Lilly cried. She missed the sound of Noah's bells and noticed that Lilly seemed to miss them too.

Luna decided to find Lilly a bell. She thought it might make Lilly smile again. So, Luna ventured into the back alley where she loved to play.

In the alley, Luna met a group of cats. She asked them if they knew where she could find a bell. They pointed her towards the toy store in town.

Luna snuck into the toy store, but the store owner shooed her away. 'Cats aren't allowed in here,' he said. Luna felt disappointed but didn't give up.

Next, Luna heard about a bell tower in the park. She thought, 'Maybe I can find a bell there.' But the tower was too high for her to climb.

Luna felt sad. She wanted to help Lilly but didn't know how. As she walked home, she found a small bell lying on the grass. It wasn't as big as Noah's, but it rang just as sweetly.

Luna brought the bell home to Lilly. She smiled and thanked Luna. She tied the bell to Luna's collar. Now, whenever Luna moved, the bell would ring.