Love Wranglers: Calamity Kate and Cluckster


A story about Love
for your Baby.

Calamity Kate stands in the meadow. The sky is pink. The air is quiet. She feels happy and calm.

Cluckster flutters close. She sings a cheery tune. “Cluck, cluck!” she crows.

They spread a cozy blanket on the grass. The blanket is soft and warm. Everyone will sit here soon.

Calamity Kate calls, “Come, friends!” A horse, a goat, and a duck trot over. They gather around the blanket.

Cluckster twirls with glee. She flaps her wings in a happy dance. “Cluck-cluck, cluck!” she sings.

Calamity Kate carries big, crumbly biscuits for everyone. She says, “I love to share. Sharing is kind.”

The horse brings crunchy apples. The goat has fresh grass. The duck brings bright seeds.

Cluckster arranges the seeds in a neat pile. She hums a silly song. “La-la-la!” she coos.