Lee and the Missing Baseball Bat


A story about Morning Routine
for your Baby.

Every sunny morning in Baker Town, a caring boy named Lee loved to play baseball in the park. He would wake up, brush his teeth, eat his breakfast, and rush out to play.

But one cloudy day, Lee woke up and found that his baseball bat was missing. He looked under his bed, in his closet, and even in the garden, but it was nowhere to be found.

"Oh no!" Lee exclaimed. "How can I play without my bat?" He felt sad but decided not to give up. He put on his shoes, grabbed his jacket, and set off on a quest to find his bat.

First, he went to the park. He asked his friends if they had seen his bat. "No, Lee," they said, "but we'll help you look."

They searched high and low, behind the trees and under the benches, but the bat was not there. Lee felt disappointed but thanked his friends for their help.

Next, Lee went to the bakery. He asked the baker, "Have you seen my bat?" The baker shook his head, "No, Lee, but here's a cookie to cheer you up."

Lee thanked the baker and took a bite of the cookie. It was delicious! He felt a little better and decided to continue his search.

Then, Lee went to the library. He asked the librarian, "Have you seen my bat?" The librarian said, "No, Lee, but let's check the lost and found."