King Doodle Bum and the Singing Chicken's Windy Adventure


A story about What causes a hurricane?
for your Baby.

One sunny day, King Doodle Bum peeks around the garden. Where is his chocolate?

Cluckster flutters about. She cannot see any chocolate at all!

The garden fountain goes bubble, bubble. No chocolate there!

King Doodle Bum looks at the sky. The wind feels so strong!

Cluckster hears a big whoosh of wind. She sings a silly song to stay calm.

Far away, ocean waves swirl. When warm water meets cooler air, a storm can grow big.

King Doodle Bum wonders, "Is a hurricane blowing my chocolate away?"

Cluckster says, "Let's stay safe inside when the wind roars." She flaps her wings with worry.