King Doodle Bum and the Chocolate Moon


A story about Bedtime
for your 4th Grader.

King Doodle Bum lived in a grand but cozy castle in Bumble Hollow, where fields of golden wheat waved and a sweet scent of chocolate drifted through every hallway. He was famous for his boundless curiosity—and for sneaking sugary treats just before bedtime.

One evening, as King Doodle Bum leaned out of his tower window, he spotted the moon glowing a deep brown color. He gasped, for it looked like a giant chocolate ball in the sky!

Feeling a surge of excitement, King Doodle Bum exclaimed, “That must be my chocolate! I must get it before anyone else does!” Without a second thought, he rushed down the winding staircase, determined to claim his sweet prize.

He hurried into the courtyard, where the wheat fields gleamed under the moonlight. Although he felt a twinge of tiredness, his ambition to reach the chocolate moon was too strong to ignore. Sometimes before bedtime, drinking warm milk can help a restless mind settle, but he had no time for that now.

King Doodle Bum grabbed an old map from the castle library, which showed a secret path leading to the top of Bumble Hollow’s tallest hill. He hoped that from there, the chocolate moon would be within his reach.

Despite his excitement, his eyelids felt heavy. He muttered, “I can’t stop now,” even though a soft bed and a familiar lullaby beckoned him. He started walking along the path, sure that the chocolate moon was waiting just for him.

Partway up the hill, he stumbled over a loose stone and nearly lost his balance. He realized that being tired made every step harder. He remembered his nanny’s words: “Brush well, then rest well, so you can wake up brave.” But he pressed on, determined to claim the moon.

A gust of wind whipped past him, blowing the map out of his hands! “No!” he cried, reaching for it in vain. The precious parchment disappeared into the darkness, and King Doodle Bum’s heart sank. How would he find the path now?