Glimmer Puff’s Stormy Adventure


A story about Anger
for your 1st Grader.

It was night in the magical meadow. Stars sang gently in the sky. The grass glowed with a soft green light. Willow Charms and Glimmer Puff played happily under the bright moon.

Willow Charms wore a pointy hat and moved her hands in the air, making tiny sparks dance. “Catch me if you can!” laughed Glimmer Puff, drifting above the flowers.

They raced around the meadow, giggling and twirling. The flowers sent out a sweet smell, and everything shimmered in the moonlight.

Suddenly, Glimmer Puff zoomed too quickly. A sudden gust of magic fluttered from Willow Charms’s hand. A small stormcloud began to grow, rumbling softly.

“Oh no!” cried Willow Charms. The dark cloud floated over her special flower bed. Raindrops started to fall, soaking the bright blooms.

Glimmer Puff gasped. “I’m really sorry, Willow! I didn’t mean to bring a storm to your garden!” Glimmer Puff whirled around, trying to push the cloud away.

Willow Charms felt her face grow hot with anger. She stomped her foot. Her flowers were precious, and now they looked droopy and sad.

Sometimes it’s okay to feel mad, but Willow Charms tried not to let her anger hurt Glimmer Puff. She took a deep breath and let the air out slowly.