Glimmer Puff's Rainbow Raindrops




Glimmer Puff's Rainbow Raindrops

A story about Where does rain come from?

for your Preschooler.

Show King Doodle Bum with a big grin, hugging a chocolate bar. In the background, puffy clouds float.

Up, up in the sky sits a magical Cloud Kingdom. King Doodle Bum hugs his chocolate bar. He beams at the squishy marshmallow walls.

Show Glimmer Puff glowing and smiling. In the background, tall marshmallow towers rise.

Nearby floats Glimmer Puff. She sparkles with joy. She loves fun, bouncy adventures.

Draw the fluffy, white marshmallow walls lining a winding path. In the background, gentle clouds drift overhead.

Huge marshmallow walls line the streets. They feel soft like pillows. Squish, squish!

Show King Doodle Bum peeking out a cloud window. In the background, a sweet marshmallow arch stands.

One day, King Doodle Bum heard a pitter-patter on the roof. He ran to look outside. What could it be?

Show Glimmer Puff pointing at small raindrops. In the background, soft sky swirls.

Glimmer Puff floated in with excitement. She said clouds fill up with water. Then raindrops start to fall!

Focus on the round raindrops trickling over a marshmallow window. In the background, a faint rainbow glow peeks in.

Tiny drops rolled down the window. They shone like little beads, slipping and sliding.

Show King Doodle Bum gazing happily at the raindrops. In the background, puffy marshmallow arches curve.

King Doodle Bum blinked at the drops. He wondered how water got inside the clouds. He wished they were chocolate drops!

Show Glimmer Puff dancing joyfully, pointing upward. In the background, wispy white swirls float.

Glimmer Puff twirled around. She said water goes up when it warms. Then it collects in clouds and falls back down as rain!

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