Glimmer Puff's Adventure in Feeling Town


A story about Sadness
for your Baby.

This is Feeling Town. Zigzag Zander loves the bright houses. He feels happy today. Puzzle time!

Glimmer Puff drifts by. She looks a little blue. She sighs a soft sigh.

Zigzag Zander sees Glimmer Puff. “Oh dear!” he says. “Why so sad, my friend?”

A big purple balloon floats up, up, up. Pop! It bursts in the sky.

Glimmer Puff sighs again. “I feel sad, but I do not know why,” she whispers.

Swoosh goes a bright pinwheel! Round and round it spins. Windy, windy fun.

Zigzag Zander says softly, “Sometimes we feel sad. It is okay to say it out loud.”

Sunny Bird chirps, “I feel sad too, on rainy days. But I flap my wings, and I feel a bit better!”