Glimmer Puff and the Mystery of the Winter Clouds




Glimmer Puff and the Mystery of the Winter Clouds

A story about Where does snow come from?

for your 1st Grader.

Show Willow Charms - who is black - with a tall hat and a playful grin, floating on a billowy cloud. In the background, puffy clouds and bright blue sky.

Willow Charms soared through the sky on a fluffy cloud. She gazed below at the snowy fields filled with sparkling white.

Show Glimmer Puff glowing with sparkly light, drifting over the fluffy cloud. In the background, gentle sunlight peeking through clouds.

Glimmer Puff floated beside her friend. The ghost giggled softly, excited for a new adventure.

Show a shining silver wand resting on the cloud, with magic twinkles around it. In the background, endless sky and small wisps of cloud.

A silver wand glinted brightly upon the cloud. It shimmered in the soft light of the sky.

Show Willow Charms - who is black - with her wand raised, gazing down at the snowy landscape. In the background, soft clouds and distant snowy mountains.

Willow Charms pointed down. She spotted the great white blanket of snow covering the earth below.

Show Glimmer Puff with wide eyes, drifting in the chilly air. In the background, swirling snowflakes floating by.

Glimmer Puff asked, “How does the snow get there?” The ghost tilted her head with wonder.

Show Willow Charms - who is black - carefully gesturing to a chilly, gray cloud overhead. In the background, pale sky with hints of falling snow.

Willow Charms explained that cold clouds hold tiny droplets of water. She grinned, loving to share her magical wisdom.

Show a single water droplet perched on a fluffy cloud, shining like a tiny jewel. In the background, streaks of gentle wind passing by.

A little droplet sparkled on the edge of the cloud. It quivered softly as the air grew colder.

Show Glimmer Puff's curious face, peering at the new snowflake forming. In the background, more droplets twinkle with icy light.

Glimmer Puff leaned closer. The ghost watched the droplet freeze into a bright, tiny crystal.

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